The Nature of Disease

The Nature of Disease
What is the opposite of disease? It's right in the word! Etymology is fun. My kids drew this and actually it looks like neither side is having a good time :-P

Audible version:

The first post ever made on this blog! And it's a doozy. I expect most people to recoil with scoffing pity or righteous anger. In fact I'll be disappointed if you don't. If you're not much for reading my kids and I made a 5-part video series covering things in MUCH more detail, and I suggest you watch it if you're trying to figure out how this whole disease thing works. Here's the first video:

And click here to access the entire playlist.

It's about 3.5 hours in total. We spent a good amount of time producing this, and if you can open your mind to some radically simple possibilities, this knowledge will change your life completely. We're only passing on the favor that other people did for us. It's like if someone gives you a hundred bucks and you spend it all on yourself. It feels wrong. So here, we're paying it forward. Our hands are clean!

The following blog post is but a short little taste of what you'll get in the video series.

Admitting You Were Fooled Ain't Easy, But It's Inevitable

Every day more people are realizing that the Covids was simply a rebranding of whatever people have always gotten sick from. There's nothing new floating around out there. But now it's time to take the next step! There is no "flu", or "cancer", or ANYTHING floating around out there. These are meaningless NAMES of SYMPTOMS of disease, not the source. And the source IS NOT little spiky balls in the air, or your "genetics", or any kind of nasty little bug that infiltrates your system. There is NOTHING floating around out there waiting to attack you. Or rather, there is SO MUCH stuff floating around out there that you've been told is to your benefit, or at least not harmful, and you're bathing in it 24/7. With most of it, YOU YOURSELF are introducing it into your system with your daily choices. Food is a big one. 99% of people are eating straight up poison, day in, day out. Even when you're aware of this it's very hard to avoid everything all the time. I mean, pastries are delicious. And you don't want to be an anti-social asshole at parties.

And it's not just food. The poisons are absolutely everywhere. In your cosmetics and toiletries, leeching from synthetic materials, in your water, your heating and cooling systems, car exhaust, the artificial electromagnetic soup we're all swimming goes on and on. It's in your pharma "medicine" especially. Your medicine is poison that MAYBE stifles your symptoms, so you know it's "working", but overall keeps you you need more medicine. After 15 years of grudgingly facing this reality, like not wanting to get out of bed after a late night of partying, I still find new sources of poisons in my life, and old ones that have snuck back in. I'm no paragon of health, but the almost-40-year-old me would crush the shit out of 25-year-old me in every way, shape and form, mainly by avoiding so many poisons that were holding me back.

Wait...are you a DOCTOR?!?!

NO! I know way less than doctors. This is the point. If you know the whole Harry Potter magic system inside-out, do you know more or less than me? You know MORE yes, but more about a fiction. At least Harry Potter fans understand this distinction. Doctors (I'm generalizing) think their pill and scalpel and potion injection system is real. Anytime a doctor wakes up to this fiction, by design they have a VERY difficult choice to make. I do pity them. I've personally talked to several of them who realized what they're a part of. Most become completely demoralized and simply keep their mouths shut to keep collecting a paycheck until they figure out what to do with their life. Those that don't lose their job and license and sometimes become "alternative medicine quacks".

"But I got the Covids, it's real bro! I've never been sicker!" Obviously, people get sick, including sicker than they've ever been. People also die, which is pretty much the sickest you can get. The question is: what from? The only way you know that people died from a so-called virus is with a test. DO YOU KNOW HOW THESE TESTS WORK?!?! Just admit that you don't know. It's easy! Then you can study how they actually work, with an open mind, and realize it's ALL bullshit. You might as well throw bones on the floor and have a witchdoctor twerk over them. I've spoken to people that worked in hospitals early 2020. Some said they were legitimately overwhelmed with patients who had severe symptoms they've never seen before. Others said their hospitals were dead empty. Some in between. I believe them all. After knowing now what the government and big corps (same thing) are capable of, do you think they wouldn't target certain demographics, certain populations? History is a bunch of bullshit too, but you believe in mainstream history right? The history of governments murdering and enslaving their own populations? It's as easy as poisoning (more than they already are) a water supply, or a grain silo, or a batch of flu shots, or dialing in certain frequencies on all these cell towers that are popping up like dandelions the past two years. You realize these new towers have the same capabilities as targeted crowd control energy weapons and active denial systems? JUST A COINCIDENCE of course, and they would never be used for that, right? Always remember: these are deranged, multi-generational, inbred psychopaths we are dealing with here, who are BEYOND rich enough to pull this stuff off because they control the money supply itself. Like abused fighting dogs, they deserve our pity, but stay away from them and all their bullshit.

Enter The Mind Virus

And I haven't even mentioned the BIGGEST poison vector: screens! Forget about whether there's a virus out there. Just imagine there isn't a virus for a second, and that mass media is the mouthpiece of a small class of "people" hellbent on killing and enslaving the human race. I know, it's such a stretch. Remember, use your imagination here if you still have one. Now imagine they just lie about a new virus existing. The individual reporters believe it, as well as doctors and all the usual "experts", but the lie is like a signal coming from the top and propagating through a chain of command and everyone simply repeats it unquestioningly. Because anyone who questions it is simply booted from the chain and labelled a conspiracy theorist. Remember, this scenario doesn't have to be true. But NOW, with what I just described, what percentage of people would fall ill of the imaginary virus simply because it was suggested to them by the screen? There are A LOT of hypochondriacs out there, most of whom are already very diseased, and looking for any excuse to absolve themselves of personal responsibility and blame their disease on anything but their own life choices.

Speaking of blame, you can blame these psychopaths after you realize what they're doing, but you only have a short window to do so before it starts to look ridiculous and hypocritical. Hypochondriacs blame an imaginary virus for their diseases, and you blame some shadowy "elite" that's poisoning us all. Both are equally stupid positions. Rant at them for a year or two, fine, but eventually you must admit that their only power over you is through your consent. Ignorance is forgivable. Once ignorance dissolves, IT'S GO TIME!!! There's nobody to blame but yourself from then on. The poisons are simple to avoid. Not easy perhaps, because we've become conditioned to them in so many ways. But simple, very simple.

So What Causes Disease Mr. Smarty Pants???

Toxin is a popular word thrown around by people who start to realize this stuff. These damn new age hippies will say disease is caused by toxic overload. It's a bit deeper than that though. After all water isn't a toxin, but try drinking three gallons in one sitting and tell me you don't feel diseased. So a better word is imbalance. In Ayurvedic tradition it's called dosha. When people go on a detox, what they are really trying to do is bring their body back into balance. Usually yes, this means getting rid of toxic build-ups, but even things generally regarded as healthy may be toxic for you. It depends on where you're at. Look up the three body types of Vata, Kapha, and Pitta and you'll be surprised how well you fit into one of these categories. The goal is to not fit into any of them!

If you don't occasionally detox yourself on purpose, your body will do it for you. And it will be much more unpleasant. You'll call it the flu or a cold or a million other things. People get loaded up on toxins over time and every few months get sick and blame a virus or bacteria or some kid sneezing on them at the grocery store. The most common triggers are seasonal, environmental, and social changes. This is why so many people get sick near the beginning and end of winter, or while traveling, or going to family get togethers. Not to mention that during such times everyone is loading up on toxins in the form of rich meals and junk food and alcohol. Stress is also a big factor, especially in such divisive times that we're living through. In all these situations we blame some pathogen that spreads around, but really it's people's bodies getting triggered to detox at the same time.

Your toxin level is like a meter and your body is constantly trying to keep levels down, but sometimes you overwhelm it. Especially when the toxins are not something your body is used to. Many times your body can't manage to detox itself fast enough or frequently enough, especially since modern medicine is very good at suppressing symptoms. If you eat something that always gives you a headache, you can just pop a pill and go on eating. Soon enough your body realizes that this crazy asshole isn't going to stop, at which point it has to start quarantining toxins. It has many ways of doing this, and many chronic medical issues are actually quarantine mechanisms, but two common emergency mechanisms are fat and cancer cells. Most overweight people are not overweight due to caloric overload, but due to toxic overload. Your body can easily get rid of pure calories it doesn't need, but toxins by definition of being "messy" are harder to eject. Fat cells are great at quarantining toxins. And cancer is the all-hands-on-deck last emergency response the body has. Cancer is actually a "good" thing, in the sense that if it didn't exist, if the body didn't use tumors as toxic waste dumps, people would die much sooner. See Part 2 of the video series for more on this:

Someone Fact-Check This Man!!!

What I'm presenting above is not a belief, or a theory, or a fact, or any kind of childish thing like that. It is a MODEL. All models are wrong. Some are useful. This is the only scientific fact there is. So start trying out the model I am proposing. Don't worry if it's true or not. Just pretend it's true. What's going to happen? Are you going to die if you start identifying potential sources of toxins or imbalances and trying to eliminate them? If you slow down on your medication and start feeling the pain that the pills are suppressing? There's no risk here except the biggest risk of all: YOUR EGO. Yes your ego will be crushed. It's not fun admitting that you have been tricked your entire life, and that health is in fact a very simple thing to maintain. That disease is entirely your fault.

On the upside, you'll VERY rarely get sick anymore, and when you do you'll know exactly why. That's the worst. When you know something is going to make you sick but you do it anyway. Most people can relate to this when they drink too much and know they're going to have a hangover the next morning. Again, toxic overload, but acute enough and on a short-enough time scale that nobody wakes up the next morning and blames a virus for feeling like they got hit by a truck.

Written by:

Doug Kay

Doug Kay

One of the chaotic neutral masterminds behind Wizards vs. Lizards, Doug is a fearless warrior in this battle, since he openly plays on both sides.