The Pendulum Swingeth Red

The Pendulum Swingeth Red
Vox Populi means The Voice Of The People

Prediction time! The United States and most of the world is about to experience a swing to the political Right that will make the last few years of Leftist utopia look tame by comparison. We're not done swinging Left just yet though, so buckle up buttercup. This is because we're not dealing with a pendulum that swings naturally under the force of gravity. If we were then political swings in our "democracy" would diminish over time instead of accelerate. This pendulum is intentionally pushed further and further out every ~8 year cycle for the past 100+ years. It's kind of like you're pushing your friend on a swing and you really want to freak them out so you start slow but push harder and harder until the swing is almost horizontal to the ground at the top. There is a limit to how hard you can push though. Even if you want to send your friend into a full 360, it just ain't happening.

Take note, man behind the curtain. Looks like it's possible to do a 360 if you use poles instead of ropes.

Similarly, there's a limit to how far the swings to the political Left and Right can go, at least if you want to maintain the facade of a government and a country and all that. That limit has almost been reached in the last few years of Leftist paradise. But the party is coming to an end. The Left does have one final little burst in it, like your friend kicking their legs at the top of the swing to get that last inch of height. This last inch will involve pissing off Conservatives even more than they already are, using all the standard tactics but really firing off an epic fireworks finale.

Predictions For The Next Year (It's Currently Summer 2022)

  • Mainstream entertainment will hit peak absurdity in its weird death spiral. I just saw an ad for a movie called The Woman King. I can only assume this "Woman King" kicks a bunch of dude's asses. Times are so crazy I actually do feel the need to point out that you could shorten the title to just The Queen and still have her kick dude's asses. But that wouldn't be ridiculous enough to make Conservatives more angry because by now they're used to petite females dominating giant alpha males on screen. Women who are Kings though? That's the final straw!
  • The economy will also complete its death spiral. Price increases across the board, low supplies, shitty quality (where you can even find it), higher taxes and insurance, the usual. Again, we're all used to it by now, so there has to be one last crescendo to really piss people off. A real estate market crash will fit in nicely here. A general Everything crash will also work, with bail outs and fun bucks and loan forgiveness galore soon after. Even "sure things" like gold and silver will take one more big hit before really moving up again.
  • The whole Green agenda will be shoved down our throats with one last bang. They'll threaten the whole carbon social credit thing for everyday people. They'll "outlaw" gas vehicles, introduce carbon tax, try to feed us ze bugs. All the usual, but one last big greenwash. It will fail, the same way I could never push my friend in a full 360 around the swing. Natural laws and markets do come into play at some point to correct insanity.
  • The Ukraine War is fun and all, but besides a few Blue and Yellow flags in Facebook profiles, Americans are not taking it seriously enough. We need something closer to home. Perhaps something with Israel vs. those evil Islamic terrorist type people (we haven't seen them in a while) where we send over even more money and military aid to Israel than we did to Ukraine.
  • Public schools will become even less attractive than they already are. I'm not sure what they'll show on the news, but a big shooting, medical mandates, openly communist or sexual curriculums, are all on the table. A big push to promote pedophilia to children as being "ok" could also be involved. We're already seeing signs of that with MAPs (Minor-attracted persons).
  • Like a spoiled child unplugging a video game they're losing, "they" will unplug the Internet for a significant amount of time. A few days or even a week. It won't be completely worldwide, or even nationwide, so some people won't notice much except a news story that other people in the country couldn't get on the Internet for a few days. There will be a strategy behind what demographics lose Internet but I'm not sure of the exact play. Probably they'll focus on Conservative areas. They'll blame it on cyberattacks, Russian hackers, the usual, but people won't believe it. They'll know it was done on purpose and it will only fuel the swing back to the Right even more, especially since the blackout will be used to install deeper "protections" (censorship measures) to keep us safe from those evil hackers. The Cyber Plandemic will be the end of the great Swing to the Left.

Even The Left Is Over It

Even people who supported all the thoughtful government and corporate "guidance" provided to us poor citizens these past few years are OVER IT. They're done. They know they got tricked by the whole Covids thing but it's better to just sweep that under the rug, right? We're back to normal. What's done is done. Let's get back to our true Democratic Party roots. And of course we gotta make sure that Cheetoh Guy doesn't get back into office. Many Leftists dropped out of their lifelong party and turned into Conservatives overnight in 2020. Others dropped further into the depraved depths of Libertarianism and even Anarchy or Nihilism.

It ain't easy bein' cheesy.

But the remaining Left is scared now. The swing has gone too far and we're almost falling off the ride. It's time to move back towards the political center. Except the momentum is built up now. There's no way we can land comfortably in the middle. Indeed we're going to fly right past. The Left got what they wanted and then some, but all they were doing was building up momentum for the equally insane swing to the Right that's about to happen.

Careful What You Wish For

Obviously Conservatives want to move back towards the political center as well. Then perhaps a bit further to the Right, but not too far. They basically want the nineties back. Is that too much to ask? Well too bad Conservatives. Yea you'll get the nineties back...the EIGHTEEN NINETIES. At first things will be great for them. The country will move jobs back home from Chaaayna (Trump voice), tighten up immigration, support small business, do our own manufacturing, lower taxes, stop sending money overseas, produce our own oil, get out of foreign wars, schools will go back to their pre-2020 levels of indoctrination, all that good stuff. And the economy will boom again within a few years like you've never seen.

But just like we had a swing to the Left that made your typical Democrat very nervous, your typical Republican will also notice at some point that things have gone way too far.

Predictions For The Swing To Red This Decade

  • Right now it's cool to be LGBTQ-whatever in the western world, but keep in mind there are many countries where you are physically punished or even executed for those lifestyles. Fundamental religious people take this stuff very seriously, and there's a lot of them out there, especially after the past 2 years. I don't think America will go that far, but suffice to say you won't be seeing any rainbow signs in yards or businesses. There will be a few strongholds for LGBTQ like California and Oregon, the same as Florida and Texas were strongholds of Conservatism throughout the scamdemic, but overall people who don't support strictly traditional man-woman family values will be looked down on to say the least. This will be very uncomfortable to the majority of Conservaties, who overall don't care what's done behind closed doors, and have friends and family members who are LGBTQ.
  • There's this notion out there that transexual strippers are teaching kids how to do blowjobs in the classroom, or something. Regardless of the truth of the situation, your typical Conservative believes that public schools are edging way too far towards teaching liberal socialist values. The reversal of this will be bringing God and prayer back into the classroom and government and public life in general, which many Conservatives won't be comfortable with either, even if they're religious.
  • The Rona mask, the most polarizing social mark of this century, will become risky to wear. As much as it was socially dangerous to NOT wear a mask through the thick 2020, as we proceed through the decade you will actually be refused service at shops if you're wearing a mask. And shops that even make a HINT of being pro-mask or even nuetral will be driven out of business. The social pressure will be so great that the few remaining mask die-hards of mid-2022 as I write this will slowly take them off. Anti-maskers will be perceived as more dangerous to a mask-wearer than the so-called virus. Again there will be mask strongholds, but they'll be as rare as anti-mask strongholds during 2020.
  • Strict immigration policy and nationalism will drive America back to what looks like a subtle form of racism, where it will be uncomfortable for foreigners to look for jobs or education in America or be represented on TV or even travel here. I'm not saying there will be racism based purely on skin color or ethnicity. This won't be some kind of whitey vs. whatever thing. Indeed all races will unite against their common enemy like never before, as long as you're MMMUURRca first!
  • All the Big Tech platforms and 3-letter mainstream news darlings of the past decade are going to become irrelevant and people will migrate to right-wing/freedom alternatives. I'm not sure if even Fox News will remain relevant. Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson will be considered left-leaning (and already are by many "extremists"). Alex Jones will be in the center somewhere. You might say your average Democrat would never go to or or listen to these types of people, but keep in mind that hardcore Republicans are on Twitter and Facebook right now in droves despite censorship of their beliefs. People love drama, especially the faceless digital kind, so once all the Republicans move to "free speech" platforms, the Left will follow. The Left will then also get censored and play a similar victim card that Conservatives are playing right now.

You have a lot of very fundamentalist Christian Conservative types out there for whom this is music to their ears. But if so they haven't been paying attention. As far Right as the country goes, it's only building up steam for yet another crazy swing to the Left after that. And the swings are getting faster and more chaotic.

Perception Is A Bitch

All this talk about the political swings sounds pessimistic, but really it's all perception. You go out of your house and talk to people and everything is fine. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, some people are nice, some are assholes, as they always are. The political swings are only on your screen. Yes the swings leak out from the digital realm into the physical, but it's only because of people believing the screen in the first place then manifesting and projecting that onto the real world. For example over the past few years there have been "shortages" of baby formula, toilet paper, etc. The news, both mainstream and alternative, announces a shortage, and what do people do? They rush out and buy huge amounts of whatever they were told is going out of stock. THUS CREATING AN ACTUAL SHORTAGE.

If you don't want to turn off your screen, at least ignore what it's telling you. It's going to be telling you all kinds of crazy shit going forward. Maybe some of it's true. So what? If you can ignore the "mirror, mirror on the wall", the only thing you have to worry about is how much the people around you are believing the screen's lies. The Covids really drove this point home. No infectious disease actually spawned from hell during 2020, but people believing it did had far greater effects than a real infectious disease ever could. So, as always, surround yourself with good people, stop believing the screen, and you'll be fine.

Reality Isn't Real Bro!

Because it is often created from perception, in which case it's false. This article describes how politically crazy America is and will continue to be, but it's all fake. It's politics. It's lies from the screen. The pendulum is swinging wildly back and forth like never before, but only on the screen. People are starting to see that. And this is the true revolution! This is the meaning of "The revolution won't be televised". It can't be because the revolution involves people getting off the screens in the first place.

All these predictions are like watching a ball thrown in the air and guessing where it's going to come down. It's no special skill. Maybe a gust of wind will blow it further than you thought, maybe an eagle will swoop down and grab it. You never know, but you'll be roughly right 99% of the time. Our society keeps you so busy with meaningless crap that what's easy to see for one person is like having a crystal ball to others.

Yes! You have to be aware of the present to predict the future.

I will make it clear that I don't care how the world turns out. My predictions aren't projected desires or fears. I don't want a fanatic Right swing in America, and I don't not want it either. It simply is. It's like seasons changing - desire doesn't come into play. It's all a show and it's fun to simply watch the patterns and cycles. I'm not conservative or liberal or libertarian or even anarchist (against rulers). Anarchist would be the closest label you could attach to me, and one I sometimes use for convenience, but even if I wanted that label I have not done nearly enough to deserve it as far as becoming independent from our current society's rulers. Maybe someday.

I will wrap up with the ultimate prediction now: we're going to move into a world over the next decade that's not going to be predictable anymore. Right now the world is predictable in large part because of meticulous plans created by multigenerational control freaks who own all the money, and the masses calling those plans conspiracy theories while going right along with them like farm animals. Things are predictable for deeper reasons also, but let's not get too crazy here. Once enough people are aware that everything is scripted, the theatre doesn't work anymore, and chaos (the good kind) ensues.

Written by:

Doug Kay

Doug Kay

One of the chaotic neutral masterminds behind Wizards vs. Lizards, Doug is a fearless warrior in this battle, since he openly plays on both sides.